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Suzannah is a writer, baker, cook, author of The Food Market Cookbook, and creator of CharmCityEdibles.

She is passionate about learning and education.

How interesting!: Suzannah’s favorite animal is a sea otter!

What brought you to Baltimore? I was raised in western Maryland. I got my BA from UMBC and moved away for a bit before returning to the city in 2014. We rehabbed a rowhouse in Hampden and moved in there in 2015.

What’s your connection to Baltimore? I love discovering new things and ideas, traveling, and trying new foods around the city. I enjoy Baltimore’s unlimited potential. Right now, our city is facing a deep divide that doesn’t allow us to live into our limitless potential. We miss out on so much when we stay sequestered in our neighborhoods and don’t reach out. We have to make this city a place that is welcoming and fair for everyone. We strive for safe neighborhoods, quality public transportation, and outlets for creativity available for every person–these things can be done!

New Baltimoreans should definitely check out: AVAM: I adore the American Visionary Art Museum. I was a docent there for one year, and the show that year was “The Visionary Experience: From Saint Francis to Finster.” Getting to share the possibility in art with middle school students was a great experience, and it opened me up to artists I had not heard of (and a form of art that I knew nothing about).

Connect with Suzannah online: Website | Facebook| Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

Connect with the American Visionary Art Museum online: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Flickr | YouTube


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